The Biggest Myth About Squats- Chiropractor in Wellington


Deep squats wreck your knees

While the growth of Crossfit and Weightlifting sports have helped to dispel this myth, there are still lots of people that come into my office who are afraid of doing squats because they think that it will degenerate their knees. On top of that, there are legions of trainers in big corporate gyms that perpetuate this myth by having their clients do partial or half-squats, and telling people about the dangers of a full squat.

Fortunately, this concept has been studied with great depth so we can actually get real answers that are backed by the scientific literature.

Analysis of Load on the knee joint and vertebral column with changes in squatting depth and weight load. 

Hartmann H, Wirth K, Klusemann M.

Link to Abstract

The authors combed through 2 years of squat studies and found 164 articles that assessed squat depth. What were the results?

  1. Going below parallel had the lowest amount of sheer forces on the knee soft tissues
  2. Squatting to 90 degrees had the highest amount of compressive forces
  3. Putting heavier loads on the bar with a half/quarter squat is likely doing more damage than a max full squat.
  4. Concerns about deep squats are unfounded in healthy knees.

How does that happen?

When you squat to full depth, the weight gets dispersed to other body parts. Namely the areas you want to get stronger like your glute and quad muscles.

Gradual Progression is Key Here’s the thing about squatting, and really just about any exercise.

If you can’t achieve full range of motion with control, then don’t put weight on the bar. I’m not a super stickler about perfect form. I think perfect form is partially dependent on the anatomical predispositions of the athlete.

I am a stickler about someone’s ability to control their body through full range of motion.

Before doing any sort of squat with a weight on your back, you should be able to do this.


Real Patient Testimonials

I can’t say enough how much my life has changed under Dr. Chung’s care. After 10 years of chronic pain and being dismissed by my neurologist, I came to Dr. C. He was caring, and really listened. After only 2 visits, I have already had a tremendous reduction in my pain! I feel like a new person.
Clemence Heller
I can't say how much Dr Jonathan Chung has given me back a full quality of life. Migraines was my daily focus, brought my on by a minor car accident few years before. I thought I was going to live with pain medications for the rest of my life. After seeing 2 neurologist prior I was convinced that was my life. But I never stop searching for holistic approaches which led me to Keystone Chiropractic. Thank you.
Michelle Graham
Dr.Chung has been a huge part of my journey to getting back to how I was before my dizziness and vestibular issues. Under his care I am now better than how I was before and I am able to live a normal life again. He is passionate about his patients and he’s such a great person. I’m so happy he’s my doctor! His staff is amazing as well!
Sabrina Kopejz
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